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Robotech Macross Characters

All Biographies are Courtesy: and

Picture Character Name Voice Actors

Rick Hunter

Tony Oliver

Rick's love for flying begins as a child. He is encouraged by his father, uncle and best friend, Roy Fokker, and the other members of "The Hunter Brother's Aerial Circus." After Roy leaves the aerial show to join the military, Rick takes his place and becomes an excellent amateur pilot, winning trophies seven years in a row. the two friends are reunited when Roy Fokker, now a member of the Robotech Defense Force, invites Rick to the trial launching of the SDF-1. That festive occasion turns into a nightmare as Rick and all the people of macross City, and the world, are sucked into intergalactic war with the giant, Zentraedi aliens.

Throughout the conflict, Rick struggles with his inner feelings in regard to his role in the war. Over the next few, war-torn years, Rick grows as a skilled Veritech Pilot as well as a person. The sobering experience of war, death of loved ones and consequences of one's actions, mold Rick Hunter into a courageous and strong leader. A role he reluctantly accepts. At the series' end, Rick and his love, Lisa, stand before the ruin of the SDF-1 and vow to see an end to this war. Ah, but our story does not end there.

Rick is now Major General Rick Hunter, charged with the rebuilding and revitalization of the Robotech Defense Force (RDF). In addition, the RDF must suppress Zentraedi rebels and keep peace in a war struggling to survive. His wife, Rear Admiral Lisa Hayes (Hunter), oversees the top secret construction of the SDF-3. A project that will ultimately send Rick and Lisa on an epic adventure among the stars

Lisa Hayes Melanie MacQueen
The daughter of Admiral Hayes, Lisa grew up a navy brat. She joined the Space Corps in hope of being stationed on Mars Base with her fiance, Karl Riber. Instead, Lisa was assigned to the SDF-1 as first officer, in charge of all ship's operations including communications and defence pattern of the Veritech Fighter Squadrons. Tragically, her fiance died when Zentraedi annihilated Mars Base Sara.

Eventually, Lisa falls in love with Rick Hunter. It is a romance filled with endless complications and missed opportunities. Finally, in the last episode of the Macross series, Rick realizes he loves Lisa and not his lovely friend, Lynn Minmei.

Rick and Lisa marry, and together continue their struggle to bring lasting peace to the war-torn planet Earth. Now a Rear Admiral, it is Lisa's job to help construct the top secret SDF-3. She is aided in this endeavour by Zentraedi Commander Breetai and his Minister of Affairs, Exodore. It is a project that will send Lisa, Rick, Breetai and others, on a space odyssey of epic proportions.

Lynn Minmei Rebecca Forstadt
Lynn Minmei becomes the darling of the crew and refugees living aboard the SDF-1. Her natural good looks, girlish charm, and charisma, combined with her excellent singing voice, turn her into a major celebrity on the battle fortress. Ironically, her singing has an overwhelming influence on the Zentraedi who have never heard singing and actually becomes part of the strategy which defeats them.

Minmei is part of the romantic triangle with Rick Hunter and Lisa Hayes. While her innocent flirtations and immaturity are a constant frustration for Rick, the two become good friends who care deeply for one another.

After the final battle with Khyron, Minmei spends her time as an ambassador of good will, boosting morale as she always has. On a trip to the Far East Sector, she meets Janice Voss, an acquaintance of Dr. Emil Lang. A friendship grows quickly between the two entertainers and a partnership is formed. Minmei hopes to bury, once and for all, any feelings of love she may have had for Rick Hunter.

Roy Fokker

Dan Woren

As a young man, Roy was always drawn to the skies. He joined with the famous Hunter Brothers Flying Circus and soon became the close friend and mentor to the young son of the circus owner, Rick Hunter. The two became the closest of friends and their friendship lasted up until the time of Roy's death.

Led by his own sense of right and justice, Roy Fokker enlisted in the military during the strife of the great civil war that engulfed the earth, prior to the crashing of the SDF-1. When that war eventually ended Roy had to show his great skills as a jet fighter pilot by being one of the greatest aces to survive that conflict. Because of his skill, he was chosen as the test pilot of the first Veritech prototype, the VFX.

Roy's success allowed him the right to a command of the infamous Skull Squadron assigned to protect the SDF-1. During the first of the Zentraedi attacks on Macross Island, it was Roy that verbally walked the young Rick Hunter into the operations of the Veritech Fighter that he had flown into the fight.

During the long running battle with the Zentraedi attack force, Roy was credited with more skills than any other fighter pilot. He developed a close relationship with Claudia Grant, communications officer of the SDF-1. Roy's life was ended in a fierce battle with Miriya's Quadronos.

Claudia Grant

Iona Morris

As the SDF-1’s Chief Communications Officer, Claudia Grant bears a great many responsibilities aboard the SDF-1. In addition to facilitating the interaction between the some 15,000 crewmembers aboard the battlefortress, it’s Claudia’s responsibility to coordinate the various departments that keep operations running smoothly throughout the immense ship.

Most of Claudia’s interaction is with her fellow bridge crewmates. Her relaxed, confident manner is in contrast with her friend Lisa Hayes, the SDF-1’s no-nonsense, by-the-book executive officer. She gets along well with Captain Gloval, who appreciates her professionalism if not her saucy attitude. The subordinate operations controllers Kim, Sammy, and Vanessa look up to her as a big sister, and it is a role that Claudia relishes. In addition, she has a strong bond with her younger brother Vince, who is among the Robotech engineers stationed aboard SDF-1.

Claudia is a veteran officer, having joined the military following the SDF-1’s arrival. Her first duty station was at an air base in Wyoming, and it was there that she first met Roy Fokker. Their relationship was a tumultuous one that would be rekindled when the two were stationed on Macross Island. But by the beginning of the First Robotech War, Roy and Claudia were very close and dedicated to each other.

Following Roy’s tragic death from injuries suffered in combat, Claudia looks after her friends even more. She becomes a close confidant not only to Lisa but also to Rick as the war continues. Claudia offers constant encouragement to her friend Lisa as her relationship with Rick deepens in the course of the series. But with the loss of her lover, Claudia becomes one of the most poignant characters in the Robotech saga.

Max Sterling

Cam Clarke

Max Sterling is one of the many young men from Macross City to enlist in the RDF. Max is a natural! His technique is pure perfection when it comes to flying and fighting in the Veritech Fighter. Skilled in electronics and mechanics, Max personally sees to it that his Veritech is at peak efficiency

He's also made some "special" adjustments which makes his Veritech Fighter a little more versatile and maneuverable. As is customary with aces in the RDF, he is allowed to customize (cosmetic changes) his VF-1J. All of these special additions has caused his Veritech to be dubbed "The Max Type".

Max falls in love with a micronized Zentraedi, and their marriage becomes the first Human/Zentraedi marriage in space; a widely publicised event. Max, Miriya and their first child, are among the survivors of the first Robotech Wars and Khyron's final battle.

Shortly after the destruction of the SDF-1 and SDF-2, Max is promoted to Commander of the Skull Squadron, with Miriya becoming Lt. Commander. Both are charged with the grim task of suppressing or destroying all hostile Zentraedi and are assigned to the South American Sector, a hotbed of Zentraedi aggression. The new base of operations for the famous Skull Squadron is in South America near Argentina.

Miryia Sterling

Edie Mirman
(Credit as Penny Sweet)

Miriya was the ace pilot of the Zentraedi flotilla commanded by Azonia. It is the assault of Power Armor (female) units lead by Miriya that is responsible for the death of Roy Fokker. During this same assault, Miriya engages in close combat with Max Sterling. The contest is, at best, a draw. Obsessed with beating the human's ace (Max), she subjects herself to the micronization process to seek Max out and kill him. Instead the two fall madly in love and marry.

Miriya has rejected her Zentraedi heritage, joined the RDF and is among the most loyal of the Zentraedi defectors. She will gladly die fighting, to protect her friends, family and new found world from any evil that threatens.

Miriya has been assigned to the Skull Squadron as Max's second in command to ferret out all traces of hostile Zentraedi Warriors. This has placed them in the dangerous South American Sector, also known as the Zentraedi Control Zone.

Henry Gloval

Greg Finley

Henry J. Gloval was a seasoned veteran of the conflict that engulfed the world prior to the crash landing of the SDF-1 on Macross Island. His skills as a commander and a diplomat earned him the command of the SDF-1 Battle Fortress, and all of the difficulties assumed with such a position.

After the attack of the Zentraedi forces and his brilliant (some say lucky) escape from Earth, he led the SDF-1 and it's mostly green, inexperienced crew, back to Earth, through the middle of the enemy armada. Throughout the war, Captain Gloval was known for several things; his concern for the young men and women under his command, the horrors of the war and the possible ways that such a conflict might be avoided, and for his constant pipe smoking, despite regulations against such activities. It is strongly believed, that without his calmness and well thought out actions, that the battle fortress would have been lost in space.

Captain Gloval was killed in Khyron's final assault against the battle fortress. He died on the bridge of the SDF-1, defending her to the end.

Ben Dixon

Richard Epcar

Ben Dixon was drawn to the military for the thrill,and the opportunity to gain fame and recognition. He became attached to the same fighter group as his lifelong friend, Max Sterling, and ace Rick Hunter. The trio became close friends, and this added to thier fighting skills together.

Ben was always dedicated and hard working. He had accumulated an impressive kill record, but it was mostly the skill of his two wingmen, Rick and Max, that kept him alive. He heroically held his ground during a Zentraedi attack led by Khyron against the SDF-1 in the Ontario Quadrant when he died.

Lynn Kyle

Eddie Frierson

Kyle is the cousin of Lynn Minmei, the famous singer from the flight of the SDF-1. After her return to Earth, Kyle assumed management of her career. He harbours a sincere love for Lynn Minmei, but has difficulty expressing his emotions.

Kyle dislikes violence and is very active in the peace movement. His disdain for the military reflects in his actions and words, and he constantly takes verbal shots at the military system. Kyle finds it easier to blame the difficulties in his own life on the horrors of the war, and he blames the military for the war.

Kyle is a borderline alcoholic with a short temper. He is often prone to self-pity and tends to have an abrasive attitude towards others. Despite his dislike of violence, he is an expert in martial arts and fighting.

Kim Young

Lara Cody

Kim in charge of monitoring the internal systems of the SDF-1 and reports on their status to Claudia and Lisa. Kim spends most of her off-duty time with her friends Vanessa and Sammie, chasing men and having fun in Macross City.

Sammie Porter

Deanna Morris

The youngest member of the SDF-1’s Bridge crew. Sammie monitors internal communications and serves as Lisa’s back-up as Assistant Operations Officer. Though young and somewhat naive, Sammie rises to the challenge of her duty. In her off-duty time, she hangs around with her best friends Vanessa and Kim.

Vanessa Leeds

Wendee Lee

Surveillance officer of the SDF-1, Vanessa monitors the ship’s radar and positioning systems. She, along with Kim and Sammie, form an invaluable trio of bridge operators that control and monitor the SDF-1’s systems.

Lord Dolza

Mike Reynolds

Dolza is the cold, maniacal, supreme leader of the Zentraedi. he views the lives of his soldiers, or any life, as a tool to be used without concern for its welfare. His simple rule to success is"...conquer and never let up until you win." Dolza's interst in the SDF-1 is twofold.


Tony Clay

Commander Breetai was one of the Zentraedi's most experienced, loyal and brilliant Field Commanders. The metal plate which covers the right half of his face and head is a memento from an Invid conflict just a decade earlier, and adds to the fearsome giant's grim visage. It was Breetai's long history of success and cunning which prompted Dolza, Supreme Leader of the Zentraedi, to select him for the difficult quest of locating and recovering the lost SDF-1. As Dolza knew, Breetai would find the SDF-1, lost like a needle in an intergalactic haystack, but what he did not forsee, was the profound change contact with these "micronians" would instill in his finest commander. The same cunning and strategy, which had won Breetai victory after victory, would alert him to his own and his fleet's, impending termination at Dolza's hands. They had experienced far too much of the micronian lifestyle and seen as contaminated. Assuch, they would be subject to immediate and total extermination.

However, in a bold move, Breetai would join the tiny warriors he had grown to respect, and assist them in what then seemed to be his last battle. Yet when the din of combat faded, the SDF-1, Breetai, and less than half of his fleet stood triumphant. From that point on, Breetai's respect and friendship (not mere loyalty or obligation to a new master) with the micronians (humans) is forever cemented. With his aid, an orbital Robotech Factory would be captured and brought to Earth.

Now, with the factory able to rebuild and repair their ships and Mecha, Breetai, his ever constant friend and advisor, Exedore, along with Lisa and Rick Hunter, are hard at work reconstructing a combined Zentraedi/human space fleet to repel any new threats from Zentraedi, Invid, or the Robotech Masters themselves. It is also from the orbiting Robotech Factory that our heroes are secretly constructing the SDF-3, for which to carry their struggle for freedom to the Robotech Master's very doorstep.

During the reconstruction of Earth, circa 2012 to about 2023, Breetai is a loyal member of the RDF working closely with Rear Admiral Lisa Hayes, Doctor Emile Lang, and the special team dedicated to the construction of the SDF-3 and a strong space defence fleet. His men are fiercely loyal to him and his cause.

Over these years he will be called upon to exhibit his prowess as a warrior and a Commander in the RDF's Space Defence Division. Ultimately, he and his men will join Rick and Lisa, alongside the SDF-3, on their sojourn to the Robotech Master's homeworld in an attempt to insure the safety of Earth. Ironically, in their absence, the Earth will be assailed not only by the Robotech Master's force, but by the mysterious Invid as well.


Ted Layman

Exodore is one of the Robotech Master's very first successes in creating the giant Zentraedi. Although his creation was considered an early success, a sort of proto-type, he does not represent the Robotech Master's ultimate Zentraedi ideal for huge, powerfully built humanoids. Despite Exodore's thin, frail and comparatively dwarfish build, his sharp mind and keen intellect has permanently assured his place in the Zentraedi High Command. He, along with Dolza, is one of the few who has a true sense of the Zentraedi history, the existence of the Robotech Masters, knowledge of protoculture and that it is the means of creating bio-mechanical life forces, and a rudimentary understanding of Robotechnology. NOTE: The typical Zentraedi soldier and officer knows none of this. Even Breetai knows little about protoculture and how it relates to Robotechnology. Surprisingly, Dolza, their Supreme Leader, has recognized the little man's abilities and has made him the unofficial keeper of Zentraedi law and tradition. For these reasons, Exedore has received special technical and scientific education. His loyalty and dedication has made him the close, personal friend (another Zentraedi rarity) and confidant to Commander Breetai. He has served under Breetai for the last 180,000 periods, and with Dolza prior to that.

Together, Exedore and Breetai would grow to understand and respect the crew of the SDF-1. A respect that would later unite human and Zentraedi against the Zentraedi main fleet in a desperate bid for survival. Once united, Exodore, like Breetai, would willingly become an officer in the RDF's Space Defence Force Division. Most of his time is spent aboard the orbital Robotech Factory where he supervises the reconstruction of Zentraedi vessels and mecha for the RDF, and helps in the construction of the SDF-3. When the time comes, he will join Breetai, Lisa, Rick, and the dauntless crew of the SDF-3 on its voyage to the Robotech Master's homeworld.


Greg Snegoff

Khyron and Azonia die in a suicide run into the helpless SDF-1. Khyron is the most insidious warlord in the entire fleet. He is a glory hungry opportunist who will stop at nothing to achieve his goals. Self-centered and supremely arrogant, he expresses only contempt for his superiors and views the quest of the SDF-1, as a waste of time. Repeatedly thwarted and embarassed by the SDF-1, Khyron grows to hate the "micronians" and becomes obsessed with the destruction of the SDF-1.

He is extremely rash, making him unpredictable. Hot-headed and cold-hearted, Khyron is a deadly foe.


Alexandra Kenworthy

Azonia is the highest ranking female in the Zentraedi Fleet. It is she who Supreme Leader Dolza, selects to temporarily replace Breetai in their pursuit of the SDF-1. Her large fleet of Battle Cruisers, staffed by the finest female warriors, joins with Khyron's fleet and Breetai's fleet in this endeavour.

Ultimately, she will join Breetai and the crew of the SDF-1 in their desperate, yet successful, assault against Dolza and the Zentraedi'a main fleet. However, those who follow Azonia as well as many others, will not accept the prospect of becoming micronians and join forces with the insane warlord, Khyron. As her affection for Khyron grows, she begins to share his mad dream of destroying the SDF-1 and conquering or destroying the micronian world. A dream that will send her and Khyron to their graves.

Although emotional, Azonia usually keeps a cool head and a sharp eye during combat. She is a powerful and deadly antagonist in all combat situations, from hand to hand to aerial combat.