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Robotech The Masters Characters

All Biographies are Courtesy: and

Picture Character Name Voice Actors

Dana Sterling

Lisa Newman
(Credit as Melissa Newman)

Dana is the daughter of Max and Miriya Sterling, two of the heroes of the First Robotech War. This heritage has deeply affected Dana for several reasons. First, she is the first child of a highly publicized union between human and Zentraedi. The fear and hatred of Zentraedi, even half-human half-Zentraedi, has followed her all her life. Second, Dana lives in the heroic shadows of her parents, both Veritech Fighter aces, and heroes loved throughout the world. She feels she must prove that she is as capable a fighter and pilot as both of her parents. Lastly, Dana is alone. Max and Miriya and left Earth nearly a decade ago with Rick Hunter and the SDF-3, leaving Dana in the capable hands of her godfather, General Rolf Emerson. She thinks of her parents often and longs for their return.

Dana Sterling is among the first graduates of the Robotech Military Academy, ranking highly in her class as Veritech Hover Tank pilot. She possesses a genuine innocence and a curious mind, ever observant and inquisitive. Dana is an athletic, self reliant, warrior with an outstanding sense of timing and intuition. She is a fine leader, who is always ready to back up her words with action.

Bowie Grant Larry Abraham
Bowie Grant is the gentle, introspective nephew of the late Claudia Grant. He is a sensitive, soft-spoken youth, who has yet to find his place in the world. Like his childhood friend, Dana Sterling, his parents left him in the custody of his god-father, General Emerson, while they joined the forces of the SDF-3 on their sojourn to the stars. Bowie and Dana are like brother and sister. When Dana entered the service, Bowie tagged along and eventually became her aid in the 15th squadron. Bowie is a skilled fighter, although he has no love for war or even physical sport. His true interest is in music. Bowie is a gifted piano played and a fair singer. With this in mind, it seems no wonder that he finds himself attracted to the alien, Musica. A mutual attraction the causes both Bowie and Musica to desert their posts in an attempt to avoid the insanity of war.
Nova Satori Edie Mirman
(Credit as Penny Sweet)
Nova has prover herself a superior G.M.P officer, which has garnered the distinction of being the highest ranking female officer in the G.M.P. She is devoted to her duty, tries to live by the "rules", and is obsessed with carving a better world out of the ashes of the First Robotech War. Nova maintains a cold outer shell, never letting anybody get close to her. She finds Dana Sterling's carefree attitude and disposition inappropriate for an officer, and is envious because Dana can show her emotions so easily. It is a cavalier attitude Nova can not afford, for her devotion to duty often causes her to betray friendship for the "betterment of the people".

Nova has a thankless job of trying to glean information from captured prisoners and spies, as well as assisting in security at Monument City. Her most challenging case comes from the investigation of the enigmatic alien, Zor.

Rolf Emerson

Michael McConnohie

General Rolf Emerson is a charismatic leader who prefers to think through all options before taking action and only resorts to force as a last resort. This trait often places him at odds with the more aggressively decisive style of Supreme Commander Leonard. However, once committed he is a capable strategist and able leader.

Emerson takes custody of young Bowie Grant when his parents Vince and Jean Grant leave on a daring expedition to the homeworld of the Robotech Masters. Bowie initially looks up to his godfather and enters the Robotech Military Academy, but differences of opinion eventually place the two at odds. Although Emerson does his best to intervene on behalf of his godson, there is little more he can do when the Second Robotech War breaks out.

Angelo Dante

Steve Kramer

"Angie" is a rustic, down to earth character who comes from the old school where might usually means right. Angelo remembers the final days of the First Robotech War, and grew up with the Zentradi conflicts and terrorism of the decade following the war. Consequently, he is bitter and suspicious of Zentradi interracial marriages/children and aliens in general. He also tends to be chauvinistic towards women. Yet despite these predjudices, Sgt. Dante is a loyal, dedicated soldier who can put aside his differences and operate as an efficient team member.

Sean Phillps

Kerrigan Mahan

Sean is the cocky playboy commander of 15th ATAC squad until busted to Private Second Class for conduct unbecoming of an officer. He later falls for Lt Crystal of the TASC. He is an expert pilot of the Spartas veritech tank.

Louie Nichols

David Millbern

Louie is a mechanical and computer genius who is the lead technical support within the 15th ATAC squad. He assists in the analysis of the first captured bioroid. Later, he helps develop a targetting system to improve his performance in a video game. When some officers of the Robotech Research Group see his modifications, they convince him to develop it to advance training of new troops. Unbeknownst to Louie, in actuality, he is designing a new targeting system for the refit of the Spartas to improve its fighting ability against the Bioroids. Louie does not deal well with the situation when he discovers this, but Zor Prime manages to remind him of the sacrifices of war.

Zor Prime

Paul St. Peter

Zor is a clone created by the Robotech Masters from the genes of the original Zor, the father of Robotechnology. It was one, last, desperate bid to regain the lost secrets of that forgotten science. However, the mysteries of Protoculture dies with the original Zor.

Unable to retrieve the precious information from the clone's memory, the Robotech Masters interweave him into a plot of subterfuge. They allow Zor's capture by the humans and monitor everything Zor experiences through an implant in his brain. However, the plan backfires when their witless spy becomes obsessed with destroying the entire Robotech Masters' society. The course of events which follow sabotage the Masters and help lead to their destruction at the hands of the suicidal Zor. His plan to explode the Masters' mothership above the sight of the SDF-1 to destroy the budding Invid Flower of Life, as well as the Robotech Masters, only accomplishes the latter.

Hundreds of thousands of seeds from the germinating Flower of Life are scattered to the wind, fall to Earth and take root. Zor's self-sacrifice saves the Earth from the Robotech Masters, but condemns it to the Invid.

Marie Crystal

Barbara Goodson

Squadron leader within the Tactical Armored Space Corps, Marie proves to be a competent leader and fighter. She leads the returning forces from the ALUCE-1 base and saves the relief fleet from certain destruction becoming a hero of Earth. She is injured in an attack by the Robotech Masters and is saved by Sean Phillips.


Melora Harte

One of the muses of the Robotech Masters. Their music is used to keep the clones complacent and obedient. Musica is mistress of the Cosmic Harp. Octavia, in yellow, plays a dulcimer-like instrument and Allegra in the pink, plays a stringed instrument resembling a Cello.

Much to the dismay of her sisters, Musica rebels against her people's way of life after meeting Bowie and experiencing emotions for the first time. Her confusion grows after she refuses the her arranged pairing with Karno. She later flees with the 15th squad after she betrays her people and frees the ATAC members. Musica helps Zor Prime regain his memories. She mourns the death of her sister, Octavia, while she and the reminants of the 15th try to lead her people to safety in the final main battle of the war.

Anatole Eli Leonard

Greg Finley

The Supreme Commander of all United Earth Forces, Leonard is notorious for his hardened inflexibility once he has made his decision. His aggressive approach to the war against the Robotech Masters is in stark contrast to General Emerson's careful pragmatism and thoughtfulness. Leonard's strategy against the Robotech Masters have left lasting effects on humanity long after the Second Robotech War.